Enhanced analytics and systems

The evaluation of corporate risks and stability is a central element of risk management activities. Performed by internal corporate departments, external risk management institutions or independent rating agencies, the corporate analysis follows a sometimes more and sometimes less defined methodology. Depending on the quality of the methodology, the results are transparent in their composition, comprehensible in their conclusions, comparable to other evaluations and give a clear statement in how to proceed in the following. This can be performed in different ways, starting with excel-based spreadsheets to structured programming. The advantages and disadvantages of each way are apparently obvious: an excel spreadsheet is easy to install but also easy to manipulate and error-prone; however validations that may lead to adoptions in the methodology can be easily integrated. Programmed evaluation methodology as a system again are most likely more convenient to apply by analysts, are fail-safe in their usage but may barrier more effort to integrate changes in weightings and criteria.

Development and systematic of corporate methodologies

TACTICAL ANALYTICS develops risk evaluation methodologies and integrate them in software tool. Due to the long experience with rating and evaluation software the ever existing problem of adoptions based on validations, most likely on a yearly basis, are easy to integrate to ensure a permanent updated and consistent method to apply. This service can be performed from the scratch but is usually using an existing methodology integrated in a spectrum of risk management activities.

Validation of corporate methodologies

TACTICAL ANALYTICS performs validation studies, stress tests and calibration scenarios of existing corporate methodologies at risk management institutions, risk departments in corporate entities and rating agencies. Based on the existing evaluation model, the accuracy, transparency, error-proneness and comparability is evaluated by using mathematics, statistics and expert knowledge networks. Depending on the complexity of the given method, TACTICAL ANALYTICS conducts also an analysis to evaluate the connectivity of quantifiable factors with qualitative criteria and macroeconomics. Validation studies are highly documented and lead to a report that can be provided as quality label to external partners and institutions.